Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why you shouldn't let your gym membership OR your company's social media presence lapse…

Just like your gym membership, having a social media presence for your business is a waste of money and resources if you don’t put it to work.  Not to mention, if customers visit your dormant page it may leave a negative impact – particularly if they are searching for information. In addition, if you ignore or avoid what people are saying online about your small business or your competitors, not only will you miss out on valuable opportunities, you won’t benefit from the results that everyone is talking about.

There is so much information that is shared on social media, information you would pay a private research company to squillions to report on.  Customers will tell you if they weren’t satisfied with their meal (or if they were). You may stumble across someone crying out for help because they’re at the end of their tether trying to plan a wedding (mmm hmmm…). 

“But how?” I hear you ask, as I sit behind my laptop screen tapping away – “How am I supposed to use social media like this?” As a small business owner, I read a whole lot of scary articles just like this, telling me what I’m not doing – but very little that tell me what I should be doing.  I don’t believe I have all of the answers, but I think I can demystify a few of these queries.

I assume that because you are reading this, you are a member of a gym, so let me relate it back to your health and fitness goals.

Train smart, work smart

Firstly, while it is good to observe, don’t worry about what the professional athletes are doing.  In the social media context, I’m talking about the big brands.  They have cash, resources and panels of experts coming out the wazoo.  Pushing the limits of creativity and possibility with their social media looks like a sport for them.  As a small business owner it is the simplest initiatives that can gain the biggest impact (see my blog on sophisticated simplicity

Like your training, you should work smart and develop good habits.  It only takes time to acknowledge your current or prospective customers that mention you.  Get into a habit of thanking people who check-in to your venue.  You can go one step further and ask people how you can make their next visit even better, or offer incentives for return-visits. People love to be recognised and what better way than to be recognised by the people behind the venue. You can see who has been at your business on your Facebook page:

You may be able to help the person who tweeted about their awful meal.  If it is your business being discussed, offer to serve them and their families again – free of charge.  Ask for more feedback and show a genuine interest in addressing the issue.  If it’s a competitor offer to let them dine at your restaurant for a better experience.  If you find the facebook user (bridezilla) I spoke of earlier who is about to burst with stress, simply ask ‘is there any way I can help?’  It is remarkably easy (and free) to use these little bits of public information to build relationships, improve customer service and enhance your products.

It’s what you put in the inside that matters…

What you put into your body that plays a big factor in your overall health.  Similarly, what you put onto your Facebook page plays a huge part in your company’s social health and perception.  If you want to engage a community of potential customers you should share all of the content that showcases your expertise.  I’m not talking about a simple social media update as it does not explore the depth of a topic or your company’s opinion. Always include links with your updates that expand on key ideas. Keep in mind that your goal is to create value for your followers. Learn what your fans respond to and what they don't, and then adjust your updates based on that information.

Don’t expect the impossible overnight.

Once you’ve purchased your gym membership, you have to actually GO to the gym to get results.  This might shock you, but once you've set up your social media presence on sites like facebook, twitter, pinterest, and google+ etc. you have to promote, promote, promote!

Going back to our gym analogy, you can’t expect to have rock hard abs like P!NK after having attended only one metabolic class.  Likewise, you won’t become a multi-millionaire miraculously by creating a page or business listing on the Social Medias.  In reality, just like everything else in life, gaining a following via social media takes time and effort.

Start promoting your social media presence. Add links to your Facebook and Twitter pages on your website – above the fold (above the point where you have to start scrolling). Print links to your social profiles on business cards, flyers and letterhead. Most importantly, don't forget to include links to your social profiles on your website or blog.

Talk, and then listen. Then talk some more. That’s called ‘conversing’.

Your trainer asks you questions, gives advice and in-turn, you ask more questions. This is how you learn what is important for your body and your health.  You can do the same for your customers online.  In order for a conversation to occur, brands must speak AND listen. There are several tools available for monitoring the social medias, but it’s easy to do yourself. Let’s say I was a florist.  Watch what happens when I search ‘flowers’ on twitter.

 I find ‘Mr X’ (obviously not his real name) tweeting about giving a girl flowers on Valentine’s Day.  Now watch what I do…

Not only have you made MR X’s day – and the ‘random girl’ – you have done it in front of an audience who might be thinking of surprising a girl of their own.  This has potential to be re-tweeted, screen-snapped and shared all over the place.  It is so easy to monitor comments that your fans, followers or subscribers leave on your social profiles. This is the first step to mastering your listening skill.

As a secondary step, monitor conversations elsewhere. Use Twitter advanced search to monitor key terms around your business, including your brand names, trademarks, product types and competitors. Use Google Alerts to keep up with the latest news about your company. And search mentions of your brand in blogs via Google Blog Search or Technorati.

After trying out some of these methods, you'll begin to get a feel for your audience and their interests. Use this information to inform decisions, and don't forget to reach out to users that have questions or feedback. Respond with more information, links, offers, follow-up questions, or whatever is needed.

Let’s wrap this up.

Remember to treat your social media presence in the same way you treat your other customer service initiatives. Be genuine, track conversations and respond to inquiries promptly and thoroughly. The better your customer service is via social media, the more you'll generate site traffic and leads.
If you would like to learn more, or establish a social media presence quickly and easily, contact me for a free social media consultation.  I will explain how to get your business cracking on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Google Place.

- Kristine.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The While vs. Whilst Chestnut.

I was in Adelaide earlier this week. While I was making my way to the city I saw a sign that read ‘Airport Parking – Park Whilst You Are Away!”. I couldn't help but feel a little offended and I couldn't put my finger on it at first. I've been deliberating ever since and I think that it all comes down to the fact that I've never decided which side of the fence I sit on during the ‘while’ vs. ‘whilst’ argument.

I often draw my own conclusions while (whilst) I'm writing, I thought I’d fight it out on page.

Ultimately, the use of either word is decided by which option suits the style of your writing. In my writing I have used both. Professionally, I tend to use ‘whilst’ frequently, particularly in corporate or more formal writing, even though people nowadays think it’s old-fashioned.

According to “While was in use in Old English; whilst is a Middle English development of while. As conjunctions they are interchangeable in meaning, but whilst has not survived in standard American English.”

Wikipedia says that ‘whilst is synonymous with while in standard English’ and that most style guides (both English and American) disapprove of the use of ‘whilst’.

 But according to there is a belief among some grammar experts that there is a subtle difference: 
While should be used in relation to time. Here is a little example: While I was making my way to the city I saw a sign that read ‘Airport Parking – Park Whilst You Are Away!”.

Whereas whilst should be used when the meaning is ‘although’. 
For example: Whilst I use the word frequently, I couldn't help but feel a little offended.

I think that the most important thing is to choose one version to suit to style of your document and stick with it for consistency and clarity. If you are unsure if ‘whilst’ fits the context of your document (if you are intending to to mean 'although'), then simply use 'although'. For example: Although I use the word frequently, I couldn't help but feel a little offended.

 Most of the major newspapers and news websites use this approach however, you may see the odd slip in an opinion column. For this blog, I’d be more inclined to stay away from ‘whilst’. This is a casual, conversational publication and I try to keep it as close to the way I’d speak as possible. I don’t believe I’ve ever verbalised the word ‘whilst’ in a sentence (I think…).

In closing, I still don’t feel that I've come to rest on either side of the fence for this argument. I don’t think I’d ever discount ‘whilst’ from my written vocabulary, however I think there is a time and a place and that ‘Park Whilst You Are Away!’ is not the time, nor the place. What do you think?